Page 5 - Secret Seduction Spray (Troy Valance) : Flip It & Read It
P. 5

you feeling needy, insecure and confused - wondering "What the hell did
           I do wrong?"

           And, perhaps worst of all…

           I know what it’s like to get to know a woman, and fall for her HARD...
           hoping she felt the same way… only to get “Friend Zoned” and then see
           her date some other guy (who doesn't  even treat her as nicely as you did).

           All of this is frustrating and painful. It can make you feel LONELY and

           However, while I feel your pain, I also want you to know this:

           THERE IS HOPE...

           There is  a way to end your problem. For Good.

           There’s a simple method - used successfully by 267,873 regular men ages
           18 to 75 - that YOU can also use to become Magnetically Attractive to
           Women (even the kind of smoking hot, beautiful women who you might
           currently think are “out of your league”).



           This method works FAST (in 24 hours or less)... so long  as you can follow
           simple instructions.

           When you use this PROVEN method - you’ll start  nding it much EASIER
           to approach women (for a very good reason, as you’ll discover in just a
           couple of minutes)…

 ’ll e ortlessly  strike up conversations, like it’s the most NATURAL
           thing in the World...

           ...get phone numbers…

           ...and set up dates.

           Heck, you’ll also  nd yourself ‘getting intimate’ with women too (just
           promise me that you'll use the secret I’m about to share with you with
           INTEGRITY… and that won’t become a heartless womanizer… sleeping
           with a di erent woman every night of the week).

           Do we have a deal?
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